Brandon Nolte is the founder of and one of the most persistent entrepreneurs I know. Healthy Hemp Oil started as a simple drop-shipping store, but has grown to a 7-figure business with a global team, and a number of new products. As a business owner in the sensitive hemp-based industry, Brandon has faced numerous obstacles along the way, but always manages to barrel through them, and keep his business growing, and his products and services of the highest quality.
His company sells CBD products, which customers purchase to aid with sleep issues, anxiety, inflammation and a range of other symptoms. CBD (Cannabidiol) is a chemical compound found within hemp and marijuana, and Healthy Hemp Oil sells it in many forms: capsules, gums, tinctures, topicals and vaporizer oils.
Before Brandon started HHO, he considered a handful of business ideas. Once a successful Kindly publisher, he decided to pursue e-commerce because of the skillsets it would help him develop: copywriting, product creation, email marketing as well as blog and video content creation. Since he'll be able to utilize these skillsets for years to come, he recommends anyone looking to start a new business from scratch take the same approach. If you've been interested in dabbling in entrepreneurship or creating a side hustle, ask yourself a simple question:
What skills do I want to learn? What business model will aid in the creation of those skills? And of course, where can I provide the most value?
It took a lot for Brandon to grow his business into the incredible success that it now has. He credits a willingness to spend money on courses and programs that he believed would give him the skills necessary to achieve grow and improve not just as an entreprenear, but as a person. The education he’s pursued has helped him to radically change his belief systems and frameworks and has shifted his mindset to make room for wealth and success.
Brandon avidly believes that your mindset can shape your actions, and ergo the results of your life. He first learned of this concept in the book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. It now only empowered him to truly believe in himself, it radically changed the trajectory of his life.
“Anything that you can focus your mind on, you can expand within your life.”
He’s used this idea, as well as affirmations and statements of truth for the future to expand his thoughts and pull himself toward his goals. Getting a business coach, while the cost could be prohibitive to some, was another investment that Brandon claims was well worth the expense.
Eben Pagan and his business courses have really helped Brandon to see things in a different way as well. We all grew up with different habits and self-limiting beliefs like “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” Getting rid of these “invisible scripts” will help anyone attain more success. By replacing these beliefs with those of someone who is much more successful, your life can begin to emulate theirs.
Brandon works on building sustainable beneficial habits into his life all the time to ensure constant growth and continued success both personally and professionally. He assesses his habits on a weekly basis and systematically tries to add useful habits into his life while simultaneously cutting out the destructive or wasteful habits that aren’t serving him.
A naturally curious person, and driven by self-improvement, Brandon is constantly pushing himself and evaluating how to live his best life.
“Boldness is finding the edge of discomfort and being willing to push through it... You can tackle anything if you believe in yourself.”
This episode is a must for anyone interested in understanding the hemp industry, or wondering how to get started as a new entrepreneur. Brandon is a fascinating guest, so it was awesome to get inside his head!
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- What are some of the best investments that Brandon has made in improving himself?
- How has his personal life evolved since growing the business?
- What are some processes or systems that have been integral to Brandon’s success?
- What’s an ideal day for Brandon and how is the business structured to support this?
- How people benefit from the use of CBD.
- How a coach can push your business forward.
- The roadblocks that Brandon faces in his industry and how he’s gotten beyond them using a team approach.
- How systematically assessing and working on your habits will increasing lead you to your goals quicker.
- Plus much more…
- Learn more about Brandon: Website
- Learn more about CBD: Website | Twitter
- Click Here for the Free eBook ‘Cutting Through the Clutter’ for Bold Life Movement Listeners