Sean Ogle: Creating Location Independence with Location Rebel

At the end of life, the person who wins is the one with the most stories.

This one sentence perfectly encapsulates Sean Ogle’s attitude to life and business.  He’s an adventurous and  relatable entrepreneur, who hascreated a strong community and a portfolio full of travel and epic narratives.

Sean started his entrepreneurial journey after an eye-opening trip to Carnival in Rio de Janero.  Upon his return to the States he decided to leave his 9-5 job as an analyst and hasn’t looked back. 

His genuinity and curiosity led him to befriend Chris Guillebeau of the Art of Non-Conformity Blog, early on.  Chris recommended that Sean start his own blog, not for the writing necessarily, but as a means to make his goals public and to add some accountability, kicking him into action.

Sean credits his willingness to connect with those he respects as a great precursor to his success.  He gives lots of great advice on how to do this: 

  • Be genuine in your communications. 
  • Follow their advice then tell them about the success you had by doing so. 
  • Get in touch and go one step further than others would by sending them a personal physical hand-written letter. 
  • Find their address by getting on their email list and sending it to the address at the bottom.  Genius! 

Sean developed a three-step process for creating a location independent life after unintentionally going through it himself in the first two years of building his successful blog, Location Rebel.  He credits this process as the key to his success: 

  1. Learn relevant skills – SEO, copywriting, social media for business, WordPress and design fundamentals.  Practice these skills as much as possible. 
  2. Freelance work – Put your newly found skills to work helping somebody else. 
  3. Apply the skills in your own biz– Create your own projects that utilize the skills you’ve learned. 

He decided to put this strategy to use by creating Location Rebel, a course and community for growing a location independent business. His goal is to get all of his members making $100/day.  When you’re making this much you have something to work with and build upon. 

One of the funnest things about Sean is his ability to accomplish so much and still find time to do many of his favorite hobbies and activities.  He would say that in actuality, he doesn’t find the time--he makes the time--as this is what energizes him.  He credits doing fun things on a regular basis as helping him overcome resistance to doing work.  He’s also consistently putting in at least two hours a day of solid work.  It might not sound like much, but when you’re consistent about it, you can accomplish a heck of a lot. 

Putting in consistent work like this is a big part of his success, but Sean also credits his relationship to uncertainty and how he’s learned to overcome it.  According to Sean, there are three phases of uncertainty: 

  1. Fearing Uncertainty – fearing uncertainty causes people to not do the things they really want to in life and avoid risking their “comfortable life” 
  2. Overcome the Uncertainty – when people are scared but doing it anyway because they trust that the outcome will be positive. 
  3. Embrace the Uncertainty – this is where most successful entrepreneurs lie.  
  4. “Because I have no idea what’s going to happen in the future, I can create any future that I want.” 

To Sean, being bold means embracing uncertainty. 

If you can embrace the challenge and embrace the unknown then that’s about as bold as you can be.


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  • Who inspired Sean to start writing? 
  • What was the catalyst for his blog Location 180? 
  • What new products is Sean working on? 
  • What are some of the lucrative decisions made due to the mastermind that he’s involved in? 
  • How does Sean get work done and consistently overcome resistance? 


  • Which influencers and thought leaders has Sean connected with and how he does it. 
  • How Sean is putting ‘The ONE Thing’ to use in his business 
  • Some great tips for webinar conversions 
  • Which areas he’s undisciplined in and how he gets around this 
  • The habits and beliefs that Sean credits for much of his success 
  • Plus much more… 


  • Learn more about Sean: Website | Instagram | Twitter 
  • Location Rebel: Website
  • Location 180: YouTube 
  • “A Secret to Business Success” Vlog: View 
  • Sean’s Quest to play the top 100 golf courses in the world, Breaking Eighty: Website  


  • Chris Guillebeau and the Art of Non-Conformity: Blog 
  • Taylor Pierson from Episode 2 of The Bold Life Movement: Listen 
  • ‘The One Thing’ by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan